Aguinid Falls Samboan

Summer is fast approaching and everyone is looking for a place where we can break free from the heat of the sun and hang out with buddies. If you're up for an adventure of river trekking and climbing such watery rocks, then add AGUINID falls on your checklist.

Aguinid is located in Samboan South Of Cebu and it is almost 4 - 5 hours away from the city depending on the traffic status. My travel buddy and I took the bus at the South bus Terminal going to Bato. The waiting time to ride a bus is half an hour or more. 

When we reached Bato Terminal, a close pal picked us up. This was a side trip though since our purpose was to attend a thanksgiving party there. From Bato terminal, AGUINID is only about 20 - 30 minutes away by motorcycle. If you have a car, then it's a 4-hour drive from Cebu city.

To cut the story short, it was easy for us to locate the place since there was a signage going to Aguinid Falls. It was raining when we arrived but still there were many tourists that visited the area. Along the road going to the entrance, you can find stores that sell different stuff from footwear, waterproof cases, souvenirs, etc.  

They only permit one group to enter at a time since an orientation is needed before going up to the falls. No ordinary slippers allowed and eating & drinking is a no-no in the area. It is simply for safety and preservation of the nature.

Let's go and take a look at each level of the waterfalls. The first level is just a flowing river, so there's not much of excitement yet. Sorry, I didn't take a picture of it. Just imagine a small flowing river. That's it! LOL

The 2nd level is the most challenging part because you need to climb where the water flows. Literally, you need to hold onto the rope going up while the water flows down as shown in the photo. As per our tour guide, there is no shortcut in going to the other levels. So take it or leave it option. This one is a thumbs up adventure and don't you dare be scared because that's what the tour guide is for!

Once you reached the top of the 2nd level, then you'd know you are safe. You'll find tall and old trees surrounding the waterfall which makes it even more colder. Yay!

Just a few steps from the 2nd level, you can find a good spot for taking pictures while lying on the rocks with water flowing on it. Just like what this lady in a pink shirt did. LOL!

The third level is just about 30 steps away. I love how the nature formed the rocks like an umbrella where you can climb up and sit and enjoy the water.

Going up to the 4th level is a bit difficult because you need to climb up a 4-feet rock to go on. Since it was raining, the current is strong enough that you can get injured while crossing the narrow passage (see below photo). Thanks to the helpful guides! This part made it even more exciting. 

This is how it looks like on the 4th level. Although the water is caramel colored due to the rain, some didn't want to miss diving in this 8-feet deep waterfall. 

The path going to the 5th level isn't much of a challenge. The above picture shows where you can pass through from 4th heading towards the huge 15 feet waterfall(see below pictures).

There are five levels of the waterfalls for non-pro climbers. There was actually more to it when you go up higher however, you need to pay the tour guide around 500PHP  if you want to proceed further. Most foreign tourists love to go up higher.  I love the 5th one because I can only afford up this level for budget and time sake. We only paid 40 PHP per pax for the entrance fee. We didn't bring any food since it was not allowed and the place where we are staying at is just near. 

It's a must try getaway this summer! Have fun!


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